
2021年06月08日 10:10:19 访问:1114

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set 9th Edition

by John E. Bennett MD (Author), Raphael Dolin MD (Author), Martin J. Blaser MD (Author)


Publisher : Elsevier; 9th edition (September 12, 2019)

Language : English

Hardcover : 4176 pages

ISBN-10 : 0323482554

ISBN-13 : 978-0323482554

Item Weight : 18.47 pounds

Dimensions : 8.9 x 4.6 x 11.2 inches




For four decades, physicians and other healthcare providers have trusted Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases to provide expert guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of these complex disorders. The 9th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with newly expanded chapters, increased global coverage, and regular updates to keep you at the forefront of this vitally important field. Meticulously updated by Drs. John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser, this comprehensive, two-volume masterwork puts the latest information on challenging infectious diseases at your fingertips. (四十年来,医生和其他医疗保健提供者相信曼德尔、道格拉斯和贝内特的《传染病原理与实践》为这些复杂疾病的诊断和治疗提供专家指导。第9版延续了优秀的传统,新增加了章节,增加了全球复盖范围,并定期更新,使您保持在这个至关重要的领域的前沿。由John E . Bennett博士、Raphael Dolin博士和Martin J . Blaser博士精心更新的这本全面的、两卷本的硕士论文将挑战传染病的最新信息放在了你的指尖。)


这是一本Doody’s评分达到满分的五星级图书,内容覆盖流行病学、病原学、病理学、微生物学、免疫学、以及传染剂治疗等方面。本书最大特点是更加注重抗生素管理、流感、巨细胞病毒、丙型肝炎、乙型肝炎的新型抗病毒药物和免疫接种,以及针对肺炎球菌、乳头瘤病毒、甲型肝炎和百日咳感染的疫苗接种新建议。最新版涵盖了新发现的引起麻痹的肠道病毒( E-A71、E-D68 )、新出现的病毒感染,如埃博拉、寨卡、SARS和MERS等。

本书主编John E . Bennett博士是美国健康科学统一服务大学F . Edward Hebert医学院的教授;Raphael Dolin博士是哈佛医学院微生物学和分子遗传学教授;Martin J . Blaser是Rutgers大学的Henry Rutgers主席,医学与微生物学教授。


奥马哈VA 医学中心的John M Horne博士对该书的评价:“这本书依然是传染病诊断和管理方面最全面、最权威的教育资源,它总结了当前的知识。。。如果一个医学图书馆仅能保存一本有关传染病的书,那就应该是这本。”



Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide 2nd Edition

by Eskild Petersen (Editor), Lin Hwei Chen (Editor), Patricia Schlagenhauf-Lawlor (Editor)


Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell; 2nd edition (May 1, 2017)

Language : English

Paperback : 520 pages

ISBN-10 : 1119085721

ISBN-13 : 978-1119085720

Item Weight : 2.21 pounds

Dimensions : 6.6 x 1 x 9.5 inches



The second edition of this concise and practical guide describes infections in geographical areas and provides information on disease risk, concomitant infections (such as co-prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis) and emerging bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in a given geographical area of the world.(本简明实用指南第二版描述了地理区域的感染情况,提供了世界特定地理区域的疾病风险、伴随感染(如HIV和结核病的共同流行)以及新兴的细菌、病毒和寄生虫感染等信息。)


这是一本将地理位置与传染疾病对应进行诊断的图书,医护人员通过提出 “你去哪儿了?”这个问题,结合症状和旅行史对患者进行诊断。书中以地理位置为背景,涵盖了诸如H7N9禽流感、H1N1、埃博拉和寨卡病毒所引起的主要传染病爆发。


作者Eskild Petersen是丹麦著名的分子寄生虫学家,国际传染病杂志《International Journal of Infectious Diseases》的主编,任职于Aarhus大学医院临床医学院传染病学系


哈佛医学院经常参与Doody评论的Winnie Ooi博士评价该书:这是目前仅有的根据地理和症状的类型和持续时间来了解病人疾病的书。它以易于阅读的格式呈现信息,采用了许多表格将疾病分为常见、少见和罕见。涵盖了MERS和Zika病毒感染等几种新兴疾病,更新了海空旅行中获得的感染这两个新章节。


Graphic Guide to Infectious Disease 1st Edition

by Brian Kloss DO JD PA-C  (Author), Travis Bruce BFA (Author)


Publisher : Elsevier; 1st edition (June 1, 2018)

Language : English

Paperback : 380 pages

ISBN-10 : 0323442145

ISBN-13 : 978-0323442145

Item Weight : 1.7 pounds

Dimensions : 7.5 x 0.6 x 9.2 inches


A unique mash-up of medical education and comic book-style illustration, Graphic Guide to Infectious Diseases uses memorable art and humorous text to provide a seriously effective way to enhance your knowledge of complex medical conditions and diseases. Emergency medicine physician Dr. Brian Kloss and illustrator Travis Bruce use pop culture references, nostalgia, and unconventional humor to bridge the gap between challenging microbiology content and clinical knowledge of infectious diseases.(《传染病图解指南》是医学教育和漫画式插图的独特组合,它以难忘的艺术手法和幽默的文字,为提高你对复杂的医疗条件和疾病的认识提供了一种严重有效的途径。急诊内科医师布莱恩·克洛斯博士和插画家特拉维斯·布鲁斯利用流行文化的引用、怀旧和非常规的幽默来弥合挑战微生物学内容与传染病临床知识之间的鸿沟。)




该书作者Brian Kloss博士和他的插画同事Travis Bruce将医学教育与漫画书结合起来,使学习既有趣又有激情,他们将复杂的知识转化为易于消化的格式。他们的工作在许多CME会议上做过展示,并发表在一些医学期刊和通讯上。

"这是一本易于阅读的图书,书中给出了大量有用又有趣的信息。它关注了医疗人员可能遇到的许多常见情况和症状。"-John S Czachor在Doody's Review Service中如是说。



The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual 1st Edition

by Sonja A. Rasmussen (Editor), Richard A. Goodman (Editor)



Publisher : Oxford University Press (December 18, 2018)

Language : English

Hardcover : 528 pages

ISBN-10 : 0190933690

ISBN-13 : 978-0190933692

Item Weight : 2.33 pounds

Dimensions : 10.1 x 1.3 x 7.2 inches



The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual is a definitive guide to investigating acute public health events on the ground and in real time. Assembled and written by experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as other leading public health agencies, it offers current and field-tested guidance for every stage of an outbreak investigation -- from identification to intervention and other core considerations along the way.(《CDC现场流行病学手册》是对现场和实时调查急性公共卫生事件的明确指南。由疾病预防控制中心和其他主要公共卫生机构的专家汇集编写,为疫情调查的每一个阶段——从识别到干预以及沿途其他核心考虑——提供当前和现场试验的指导。)


这本CDC手册以迈克尔·格雷格( Michael Gregg )的开创性著作《现场流行病学》( Field Epidemiology )为范本,为了应对不断变化的公共卫生环境,本书为有效应对急性和新出现的威胁提供了最新的权威资源。

Oxford University Press出版社于2018年出版本书。

本书著者Sonja A . Rasmussen曾任美国疾病预防控制中心监测、流行病学和实验室服务中心( CSELS )公共卫生信息传播司司长,《死亡与死亡周报》( MMWR )系列主编,同时担任本书编辑。现任CDC传染病司副司长、CDC传染病办公室主任。她在多个CDC应急反应中担任领导职务,包括2009年甲型H1N1流感、中东呼吸综合征( MERS )冠状病毒、埃博拉和齐卡病毒爆发。

这是一本好评如潮的图书,摘选部分如下:‘一个可喜的更新,尤其是将21世纪的工具和技术集成其中.’——《International Journal of Epidemiology》;‘是所有流行病学家藏书的有益补充.’——《Annals of Epidemiology》

‘此书将有助于在地方、国家或跨国层面进行下一代高质量的现场调查.’——《American Journal of Epidemiology》



Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response 1st Edition

by Scott McNabb (Editor), J Mark Conde (Editor), Lisa Ferland et al.


Publisher : Elsevier; 1st edition (March 1, 2016)

Language : English

Paperback : 455 pages

ISBN-10 : 0702063371

ISBN-13 : 978-0702063374

Item Weight : 1.83 pounds

Dimensions : 7.2 x 0.7 x 9.2 inches



Public Health Surveillance (PHS) is of primary importance in this era of emerging health threats like ebola, MERS-CoV, influenza, natural and man-made disasters, and non-communicable diseases. Transforming Public Health Surveillance is a forward-looking, topical, and up-to-date overview of the issues and solutions facing PHS. It describes the realities of the gaps and impediments to efficient and effective PHS, while presenting a vision for its possibilities and promises in the 21st century. The book gives a roadmap to the goal of public health information being available, when it is needed and where it is needed. Led by Professor Scott McNabb, an international team of the top-notch public health experts from academia, government, and non-governmental organizations provides the most complete and current update on this core area of public health practice in a decade in 31 chapters. This includes the key roles PHS plays in achieving the global health security agenda and health equity. The authors provide a global perspective for students and professionals in public health. Five case studies aid the understanding of the context for the lessons of the book, and a comprehensive glossary, questions, bullet points, and learning objectives make this book an excellent tool for the classroom.(在这个健康威胁如埃博拉、中东呼吸综合症冠状病毒、流感、自然和人为灾害,以及非传染性疾病不断出现的时代,公共衞生监察至为重要。转变公共卫生监测是一个前瞻性,专题,和最新的问题和面临的解决方案面临的 PHS 的概述。它描述了高效率和高效能小灵通存在的差距和障碍的现实情况,同时对其在21世纪的可能性和承诺提出了展望。这本书提供了公共卫生信息可用目标的路线图,什么时候需要,什么地方需要。斯科特 · 麦克纳布教授领导的一个由来自学术界、政府和非政府组织的顶尖公共卫生专家组成的国际小组,在10年中对公共卫生实践的这一核心领域提供了31个章节中最完整和最新的最新情况。这包括小灵通在实现全球卫生安全议程和卫生公平方面发挥的关键作用。作者为学生和公共卫生专业人员提供了一个全球视角。五个案例研究有助于理解课本的背景,全面的术语表,问题,要点和学习目标使这本书成为课堂上的一个极好的工具。)





Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition

by Danny A Milner MD MSc (Author)


Publisher : Springer; 1st ed. 2019 edition (August 28, 2019)

Language : English

Hardcover : 1347 pages

ISBN-10 : 3319955632

ISBN-13 : 978-3319955636

Item Weight : 9.79 pounds

Dimensions : 8.5 x 3.2 x 11.2 inches



Part of the highly regarded Diagnostic Pathology series and written by Danny A. Milner, Jr., MD, this updated volume covers all aspects of infectious disease pathology, including anatomic manifestations and how to ensure a complete and accurate sign out at the microscope. Concise, focused chapters, supported by thousands of high-quality images, make this second edition an excellent point-of-care resource for pathologists at all levels of experience and training―both as a quick reference and as an efficient review to improve knowledge and skills.(这本更新的书包含了传染病病理学的所有方面,包括解剖学的表现,以及如何确保在显微镜下完整而准确地显示出来。简明、重点突出的章节,由数千张高质量图像支持,使这第二版成为各级病理学家经验和培训的极好的护理点资源——既作为快速参考,又作为提高知识和技能的有效审查。)




该书作者Danny Milner博士是一位解剖学和临床病理学家,专攻传染病和微生物学。
