
2019年09月06日 10:06:52 访问:2179

Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine (Oxford Textbooks Series) 3rd Edition

by Jean-Pierre Michel (Editor), B. Lynn Beattie (Editor), Finbarr C. Martin (Editor), Jeremy D. Walston (Editor)


Series: Oxford Textbooks Series

Hardcover: 1432 pages

Publisher: Oxford University Press; 3 edition (February 14, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-0198701590



Building upon its predecessor's reputation as the definitive resource on the subject, this new edition of the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine offers a comprehensive and multinational examination of the field. Fully revised to reflect the current state of geriatric medicine, it examines the medical and scientific basis of clinical issues, as well as the ethical, legal, and socio-economic concerns for healthcare policy and systems.

Over 170 chapters are broken up into 16 key sections, covering topics ranging from policy and key concepts through to infection, cancer, palliative medicine, and healthy ageing. New material includes focus on the evolving concepts of malnutrition, sarcopenia, frailty, and related geriatric syndromes and integration of geriatric principles from public health, primary and specialized care, and transitional stages from home to emergency, medicine and surgery, rehabilitation, and long term care. (在其前身作为这一主题的权威资源的声誉的基础上,新版牛津老年医学教科书提供了该领域的全面和多国检查。全面修订以反映老年医学的现状,它审查了临床问题的医学和科学基础,以及卫生保健政策和系统的伦理、法律和社会经济关注。超过170章分为16个关键部分,涵盖从政策和关键概念到感染、癌症、姑息医学和健康老龄化的主题。新材料包括关注营养不良、肌肉减少症、衰弱和相关老年综合征概念的演变,以及从公共卫生、初级和专业护理、从家庭到紧急情况的过渡阶段、医学和外科、康复和长期护理的老年原则的整合。)




Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set 11th Edition

by Peter Libby MD PhD (Author), Douglas P. Zipes MD (Author), Robert O. Bonow MD MS (Editor), Douglas L. Mann MD (Editor), Gordon F. Tomaselli MD (Editor), Deepak Bhatt (Editor)


Series: Braunwald's Heart Disease

Hardcover: 2128 pages

Publisher: Elsevier; 11 edition (March 6, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-0323463423



Trusted by generations of cardiologists for the latest, most reliable guidance in the field, Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 11th Edition, remains your #1 source of information on rapidly changing clinical science, clinical and translational research, and evidence-based medicine. This award-winning text has been completely updated, providing a superior multimedia reference for every aspect of this fast-changing field, including new material about almost every topic in cardiology.(布劳恩瓦尔德的《心脏病》,第11版,被一代又一代的心脏病学家所信赖,是该领域最新、最可靠的指南。它仍然是关于快速变化的临床科学、临床和转化研究以及循证医学的头号信息来源。这一屡获殊荣的文本已完全更新,为这个快速变化的领域的每个方面提供了一个优秀的多媒体参考,包括几乎每一个心脏病学主题的新材料。)




Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 6e Hardcover – 2019

by Connie R. Mahon MS MT(ASCP) CLS (Author), Donald C. Lehman EdD MT(ASCP) SM(NRM) (Author)


Hardcover: 1088 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 6 edition (April 6, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-0323482189



Learn to develop the problem-solving skills necessary for success in the clinical setting! The Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 6th Edition uses a reader-friendly "building-block" approach to the essentials of diagnostic microbiology. This updated edition has new content on viruses like Zika, an expanded molecular chapter, and the latest information on prevention, treatment modalities, and CDC guidelines. Updated photos offer clear examples of automated lab instruments, while case studies, review questions, and learning objectives present information in an easy-to-understand, accessible manner for students at every level. A building-block approach encourages you to use previously learned information to sharpen critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Full-color design, with many full-color photomicrographs, prepares you for the reality of diagnostic microbiology.A case study at the beginning of each chapter provides you with the opportunity to form your own questions and answers through discussion points.(学习发展解决问题的技能,以成功地在临床设置! 诊断微生物学教科书,第6版使用了一个读者友好的“构建块”的方法来了解诊断微生物学的要点。这个更新版有关于寨卡病毒的新内容,一个扩展的分子章节,以及关于预防、治疗方式和CDC指南的最新信息。更新后的照片提供了自动化实验仪器的清晰例子,同时案例研究、复习问题和学习目标以一种易于理解的方式为各个层次的学生呈现信息。构建块方法鼓励您使用以前学过的信息来提高批判性思维和解决问题的技能。全彩设计,与许多全彩显微照片,准备您的现实诊断微生物学。每一章开头的案例研究为您提供了通过讨论点形成自己的问题和答案的机会。)




Voigt's Pharmaceutical Technology 1st Edition

by Alfred Fahr (Author), Gerrit L. Scherphof (Translator)



Hardcover: 888 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (April 23, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781118972625


A textbook which is both comprehensive and comprehensible and that offers easy but scientifically sound reading to both students and professionals. Now in its 12th edition in its native German, Voigt's Pharmaceutical Technology is an interdisciplinary textbook covering the fundamental principles of pharmaceutical technology. Available for the first time in English, this edition is produced in full colour throughout, with a concise, clear structure developed after consultation with students, instructors and researchers.  This book:(一本全面而易懂的教科书,为学生和专业人士提供简单而科学的阅读。沃伊特的《药物技术》是一本跨学科的教科书,涵盖了药物技术的基本原理。这是第一次以英文出版,整个版本都是全彩色的,经过与学生、教师和研究人员的协商,形成了简洁、清晰的结构。)


药物技术方面的一本教科书,由Wiley出版社2018年出版。该书原版为德语版,已出版到第11版,改版为英文版的第一版。作者Alfred Fahr教授是德国耶拿弗里德里希-席勒大学药学院药学技术荣誉教授。


Handbook on Injectable Drugs 19th Edition

by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (Author)



Series: Handbook on Injectable Drugs

Hardcover: 1900 pages

Publisher: ASHP; 19 edition (October 3, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-1585285594


ASHP’s Guide to IV Compatibility & Stability Backed by quality, peer-reviewed published literature, the Handbook on Injectable Drugs™ has been a go-to, trusted resource for nearly four decades. Published by ASHP, it’s the global gold standard for IV compatibility and stability information. ASHP’s Handbook on Injectable Drugs™ is now newly updated with the latest information. The 19th edition features 27 new monographs—more than twice the last edition— and more than 235 new references.

The new edition features more than 360 monographs including. (ASHP的IV兼容性和稳定性指南。在同行评审的高质量出版文献的支持下,注射药物手册™已成为近40年来的首选和可靠资源。它由ASHP发布,是IV兼容性和稳定性信息的全球黄金标准。ASHP的注射药物手册™现在最新更新了最新的信息。第19版收录了27本新专著,是上一版的两倍多,并收录了235多篇新参考文献。新版包括360多部专著)


多次再版图书,该版为第18版。Doody's Review Services评分为98分,为五星图书。Laurence A. Goldberg:这本书被称为药物注射的“黄金标准”,没有其他资料能如此书一般详细。


Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology Seventh, International Edition

by Gary W. Procop MD MS (Author), Elmer W. Koneman (Author)


Hardcover: 1936 pages

Publisher: LWW; Seventh, International edition (June 24, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-1451189353



Now in striking full color, this 7th Edition of Koneman’s gold standard text presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all aspects of clinical microbiology—bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology.
Comprehensive, easy-to-understand, and filled with high quality images, the book covers cell and structure identification in more depth than any other book available. This fully updated 7th Edition is enhanced by new pedagogy, new clinical scenarios, new photos and illustrations, and all-new instructor and student resources.(现在,在醒目的全彩,这第七版科曼的黄金标准文本提出了所有的原则和实践,读者需要一个坚实的基础上,在临床微生物学的所有方面,细菌学,真菌学,寄生虫学,病毒学。全面,易于理解,并充满高质量的图像,这本书涵盖细胞和结构识别比任何其他书更深入。这完全更新的第七版是加强了新的教学方法,新的临床场景,新的照片和插图,以及全新的教师和学生资源。)




Oxford Textbook of Interventional Cardiology (Oxford Textbooks in Cardiology) 2nd Edition

by Simon Redwood (Editor), Nick Curzen (Editor), Adrian Banning (Editor)



Hardcover: 1392 pages

Publisher: Elsevier; 5 edition (March 27, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-0702068966


Cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography remain key tools in the management of patients with coronary heart disease. Although this is the most frequently used method of coronary revascularization, general training in cardiology rarely offers more than the opportunity to assist a more senior operator to perform angioplasty procedures. This textbook, covering key procedures and fully revised and updated to include the latest trials, technology, and new techniques, is essential reading. The Oxford Textbook of Interventional Cardiology, 2nd edition spans the whole spectrum of interventional cardiology procedures, including a novel section on the future of interventional cardiology, and multiple new chapters covering special devices in percutaneous coronary intervention. Written by an expert team of international authors, this book offers guidance on all aspects of interventional cardiology according the European curriculum, and covers the evidence-based guidelines for a comprehensive view of the field.(心导管插入术和冠状动脉造影术仍然是治疗冠心病的关键工具。虽然这是最常用的冠状动脉血运重建方法,但心脏病学的一般培训很少能提供更多的机会来帮助更高级的操作人员进行血管成形术。这本教科书涵盖关键程序,全面修订和更新,包括最新的试验、技术和新技术,是必要的阅读。《牛津介入心脏病学教科书》第2版涵盖了整个介入心脏病学程序,包括一个关于介入心脏病学未来的新章节,以及多个新章节,涵盖经皮冠状动脉介入术中的特殊装置。这本书由一个国际作家的专家团队撰写,根据欧洲课程提供介入心脏病学的各个方面的指导,并涵盖了对该领域的综合观点的循证指南。)




Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children 11th Edition

by Hockenberry PhD RN-CS PNP FAAN, Marilyn J. (Author), Wilson MS RN C(INC), David (Author)


Paperback: 1424 pages

Publisher: Mosby; 11 edition (October 16, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 032354939X

ISBN-13: 978-0323549394


Prepare to give pediatric patients the specialized care they deserve with the leading text in pediatric nursing. Written by pediatric experts, Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 11th Edition takes a unique, easy-to-follow developmental approach to describe the care of children at each age and stage of development. This longtime bestseller provides an evidence-based, clinical perspective that shows how the quality of nursing care can impact quality patient outcomes. Childhood diseases and disorders are organized by age groups and body systems and explained through the nursing process framework. This edition features completely updated and reorganized chapters that present content in a clear, easy-to-understand way. New Quality Indicator boxes paint a bigger picture of hospitals and how they look at quality and safety.(准备给儿科病人他们应得的专业护理与儿科护理的领先文本。由儿科专家编写的《王氏婴幼儿护理》,第11版采用独特的、易于遵循的发展方法来描述每个年龄和发展阶段的儿童的护理。这本长期畅销的书提供了一个基于证据的临床视角,展示了护理质量如何影响高质量的病人结局。儿童期疾病和障碍按年龄组和身体系统进行组织,并通过护理过程框架加以解释。这个版本的特点是完全更新和重组的章节,以一种清晰,易于理解的方式呈现内容。新的质量指标盒描绘了医院的更大图景,以及它们如何看待质量和安全。)




Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience: A Beginner's Guide 2nd Edition

by Nicole M. Gage (Author), Bernard Baars (Author)


Paperback: 564 pages

Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (April 17, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128038136

ISBN-13: 978-0128038130


Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition, is a comprehensive, yet accessible, beginner’s guide on cognitive neuroscience. This text takes a distinctive, commonsense approach to help newcomers easily learn the basics of how the brain functions when we learn, act, feel, speak and socialize. This updated edition includes contents and features that are both academically rigorous and engaging, including a step-by-step introduction to the visible brain, colorful brain illustrations, and new chapters on emerging topics in cognition research, including emotion, sleep and disorders of consciousness, and discussions of novel findings that highlight cognitive neuroscience’s practical applications.Written by two leading experts in the field and thoroughly updated, this book remains an indispensable introduction to the study of cognition.



该书获得了2019年教科书和学术作者协会教科书优秀奖(学院)(文本奖)。作者之一盖奇博士与伯纳德·巴尔斯(Bernard Baars)合著过认知神经科学的基础一书。作者Baars博士创办了意识科学研究协会和学术期刊《意识与认知》。


Plotkin's Vaccines (Vaccines (Plotkin)) 7th Edition

by Plotkin MD, Stanley A. (Author), Orenstein MD DSc (HON), Walter (Author), Offit MD, Paul A. (Author), Edwards MD, Kathryn M. (Author)


Series: Vaccines (Plotkin)

Hardcover: 1720 pages

Publisher: Elsevier; 7 edition (June 20, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 032335761X

ISBN-13: 978-0323357616


From the development of each vaccine to its use in reducing disease, Plotkin’s Vaccines, 7th Edition, provides the expert information you need to provide optimal care to your patients. This award-winning text offers a complete understanding of each disease, as well as the latest knowledge of both existing vaccines and those currently in research and development. Described by Bill Gates as "an indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world," Plotkin’s Vaccines is a must-have reference for current, authoritative information in this fast-moving field.(从每一种疫苗的开发到它在减少疾病中的应用,普罗特金的疫苗,第七版,提供了您需要的专家信息,为您的病人提供最佳的护理。这一获奖文本提供了对每种疾病的全面了解,以及对现有疫苗和目前正在研发的疫苗的最新知识。比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)将普罗特金的疫苗描述为“增进我们这个世界福祉不可或缺的指南”,是这个快速发展领域中当前权威信息的必备参考。)

